The African Bird Club Conservation (ABC) Program supports small to medium-sized conservation projects in Africa. Since 1996, it has supported a wide variety of projects including training courses, research into threatened species and promotion, and awareness of conservation issues in Africa. The Club aims to encourage as wide a range of ideas as possible, and funds approximately 10-15 Conservation Awards each year. The African Bird Club gives out a smaller number of Expedition Awards each year for larger, more ambitious projects. Many different types of projects can be considered so long as there is a clear conservation objective. Objectives should preferably be derived from any of the publications identifying international conservation priorities e.g. IUCN red data books, IBA Directories, the Birds to Watch series, Endemic Bird Areas of the world. Our current budget stands at approximately £35,000 per annum and the Club welcomes applications from individuals or institutions for Conservation or Expedition Awards.
- ABC Conservation Awards – Maximum Grant £3,000
- ABC Expedition Awards – Maximum Grant £5,000
For the ABC Conservation Awards, applicants must be normally resident in Africa and the requested grant from ABC should be a major part of the project budget.
For the ABC Expedition Awards, the expedition must take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands (Atlantic islands on or east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Indian Ocean islands west of 80° E), must be conservation-based with a strong bird component, and must have a letter of endorsement from the associated academic institution, conservation NGO or recognized club.
The application deadline is 31st October 2020