One Health and Development Initiative (OHDI)

OHAM Program Mentorship Testimonial

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  1. I have known Iyiola for a long time now and I can attest to all these. He is a great and knowledgeable man. He’s been my mentor for a while now and I enjoyed our mentor-mentee relationship which has extended to a brother-brother relationship. I like his way of teachings. He has always set me on my feet. Iyiola is a great man. Keep doing well boss.
    The peak is the beginning.

  2. “Some are born great; some have greatness thrust upon them” I can say Iyiola oladunjoye encapsulated them all. The testimonial shared by Mrs Foluke Areola about his extraordinary virtues particularly towards sustainable solutions to environmental and health challenges is noteworthy and commendable. Kudos!!!

  3. Prestige as he’s being called in University days is such a rare gem. I’d an opportunity to work where he did his industrial training till today his imprint is still there. Seeing the report of madam Areola won’t be a surprise to anyone that’s interact with him.

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