RSTMH is currently looking for a group of 5 Regional Ambassadors who will help influence our work at governance and operational levels based on regional priorities. They will also work with our established Country Ambassadors to help ensure information about the Society is disseminated so we can support those working in highly endemic countries, and that we are hearing their advice on how we could improve our work.
The role of the Regional Ambassador
Regional Ambassadors are volunteers who will liaise with Country Ambassadors, relevant organisations, key individuals and networks in their region. They will help ensure RSTMH is known as a Society which can provide support and value to those interested in and working in tropical medicine and global health, and to feed regional information and advice into our work at governance and operational levels.
The aim of the role is to better connect with Ambassadors, members, individuals, organisations and networks in the region, to help RSTMH be better informed on regional priorities and news, and to influence how the Society operates through their role on the Board of Trustees, the International Members Committee, and through the team.
Main duties and responsibilities
As a Regional Ambassador, your role would include the following activities:
- Work with Country Ambassadors to identify regional dissemination gaps and fill them with information about RSTMH and our work via social media, networks and other communication channels
- Work with Country Ambassadors and local partners to help scope regional activities e.g. events
- Report regularly on the priorities, successes and challenges in your region in our field of work with recommendations for action
- Liaise with Country Ambassadors and other partners on a regular basis to help feed into your regional analysis and reports
- Be an active member of the International Members Committee, which meets once a quarter, virtually
- Advise RSTMH on how to better achieve the aims and goals of our current strategy.
- Inform us of urgent information that you feel RSTMH should respond to in a timely way e.g. outbreaks, health challenges, or regional successes
- Help us understand the key individuals, organisations, and networks in your region, that you feel we should be in contact with
Where Regional Ambassadors will be based
We are recruiting one Regional Ambassador in each of the following regions:
1. Southern and Eastern Africa
2. West Africa
3. South-East Asia and Western Pacific
4. Southern Asia
5. Southern and Central America
Skills and experience needed
- You will have been based in the region you would like to represent for at least a decade and will be there for at least a further three years.
- You will have a good understanding of the broader context of global health beyond your personal area of specialty, as well as have established links to influential individuals and regional tropical medicine and global health networks and organizations.
- You will be knowledgeable in your specific area of tropical medicine and global health and will have established good networks within your region, in your field, and more widely, preferably across the clinical, academic, charity, industry, and policy-making sectors.
- You will have represented your organization or work in other non-executive or voluntary capacities in the past and ideally, you would also have experience of working in a regional role in the past. You will have good relationship-building skills and will be happy to act as a voluntary ambassador for RSTMH at conferences and meetings.
- Finally, you will be a member of RSTMH and be able to demonstrate a good understanding of our work and strategy and be confident and willing to represent RSTMH.
Although the role of Regional Ambassador is voluntary, we will meet the costs of attending the Board of Trustee Strategy Workshop and the RSTMH meetings organized as part of that same trip. During this visit, you would have a chance to meet members of the Board of Trustees, the RSTMH team, and other RSTMH members, Fellows, and partners.
We will help develop materials e.g. business cards and email signatures for the Regional Ambassador to aid the delivery of the role.
We hope that volunteering as an RSTMH Regional Ambassador will be of benefit to you. You will be part of a network of Ambassadors around the world, hopefully expanding your existing networks and contacts in your area of work.
The RSTMH Team is happy to provide references for Regional Ambassadors.
The application deadline is 31st May 2021