Wild Animal Initiative (WAI) is a nonprofit organization focused on improving wild animal welfare by
establishing the proposed field of welfare biology. It is one of three “top charities” recommended by
Animal Charity Evaluators, and it currently focuses on helping scientists, grantors, and decision-makers
investigate important and understudied questions about wild animal welfare.
Their grants aim at empowering wild animal welfare researchers to explore topics neglected by other
funders. They are thereby currently soliciting proposals on the following themes:
- Innovative methods for measuring wild animal welfare
- Innovative methods for monitoring wild animal welfare
- Population regulation
- Rehabilitation/conservation
Wild Animal Initiative (WAI) offers benefits that includes; A grant size of about 2,000 – 30,000 USD, a
general funding of whatever is required for the project to be completed, prioritizing funding for direct
research costs such as supplies, materials, and travel, as well as funding for other expense areas such as
stipends, salaries, or durable goods. Though, they must be fully justified relative to the project goals.
This call is open to anyone, though special interest and support goes to:
- Postdocs and Ph.D. students pursuing a long-term research career in the field of wild animal
welfare, as well as researchers who have not previously included welfare considerations in their
work. - Applications from communities which are underrepresented in the sciences, including but not
limited to people of color, self-identified women, and non-binary individuals.
Application Deadline is June 30, 2022.