One Health and Development Initiative (OHDI)

Climate Change and Animal Disease Dynamics in South Asia: A One Health Perspective


Climate change represents one of the most significant environmental and public health challenges of the 21st century, with its impacts felt globally across various ecosystems and communities. The phenomenon of climate change encompasses alterations in temperature, precipitation patterns, sea level rise, and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. These changes are driven primarily by human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The repercussions of these climatic shifts are extensive, affecting biodiversity, agricultural productivity, water resources, and human health.

In South Asia, encompassing Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka, climate change impacts are particularly profound. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events are reshaping the region’s climate, with serious implications for animal disease ecology. South Asia’s diverse climates range from tropical to alpine environments, making it highly vulnerable to climate change. The region is experiencing increased temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, and severe weather events, which disrupt agricultural practices, water resources, and public health. These climatic changes also significantly impact animal disease ecology, influencing the survival, reproduction, and distribution of pathogens and vectors.

Mechanisms of Impact on Animal Diseases:

  1. Temperature Changes: Warmer temperatures can expand the geographic range of pathogens and vectors. For example, higher temperatures can increase the population of mosquito species that transmit diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, posing new risks to animals and humans (Githeko et al., 2000). As per Li et al. (2018), temperature impacts mosquito survival, flying distance, and biting behavior.
  2. Altered Precipitation Patterns: Changes in rainfall affect vector habitats and life cycles. Increased rainfall can create more breeding sites for mosquitoes, leading to higher transmission rates of diseases like Japanese encephalitis. Conversely, droughts can concentrate animals around limited water sources, increasing disease transmission through close contact (Zell, 2004). Seasonal incidence of dengue is well described in Asia, with correlations established with temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall (Chen & Hsieh, 2012).
  3. Extreme Weather Events: Floods, cyclones, and droughts disrupt ecosystems and force wildlife and livestock into closer contact with humans. These conditions can lead to outbreaks of diseases such as leptospirosis and anthrax, as animals and humans are exposed to contaminated water and soil (Daszak et al., 2001).
  4. Habitat Changes: Climate change-induced habitat alterations and migration patterns increase interactions between wildlife, livestock, and humans, facilitating the spillover of diseases like Nipah virus (Epstein, 2001).

Case Studies in South Asia: 

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in Pakistan is exacerbated by erratic monsoon patterns and increased flooding, which enhance mosquito breeding conditions and RVF transmission risk, posing economic and public health challenges (Randolph, 2004). Japanese Encephalitis (JE) in India and Nepal is impacted by climate change through altered temperature and precipitation patterns that expand the range and transmission season of JE, with higher temperatures speeding up the pathogen’s extrinsic incubation period (Semenza & Menne, 2009; Caminade et al., 2014). In Bangladesh, Nipah virus (NiV) spillover events are influenced by climate change affecting fruit bat behavior and habitats, with deforestation and habitat fragmentation increasing the risk of NiV transmission (Daszak et al., 2001).

Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation:

  1. Strengthening Disease Surveillance: Enhancing disease surveillance systems for early detection and response to outbreaks is critical. Integrating veterinary and public health surveillance can improve the monitoring of zoonotic diseases and facilitate timely interventions.
  2. Promoting One Health Initiatives: Implementing One Health approaches that involve collaboration between veterinarians, medical professionals, environmental scientists, and policymakers can enhance the understanding and management of disease risks at the human-animal-environment interface.
  3. Improving Vector Control: Developing and implementing effective vector control measures, such as mosquito control programs and habitat modification, can reduce the transmission of vector-borne diseases. Community engagement and education on vector control practices are also essential.
  4. Enhancing Climate Resilience: Building resilience to climate change through sustainable agricultural practices, improved water management, and habitat conservation can mitigate the impact of climate change on disease ecology. 
  5. Conducting Research and Education: Investing in research to understand the complex interactions between climate change and disease ecology can inform evidence-based policies and interventions. 


Climate change is reshaping the landscape of animal disease ecology in South Asia, with significant implications for both animal and human health. Understanding the mechanisms through which climate change influences disease patterns is essential for developing effective strategies to mitigate and adapt to these changes. A collaborative, One Health approach that integrates efforts across disciplines and sectors is critical to addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change and protecting the health and well-being of communities in South Asia. 


Caminade, C., Kovats, S., Rocklov, J., Tompkins, A. M., Morse, A. P., Colón-González, F. J., Stenlund, H., Martens, P., & Lloyd, S. J. (2014). Impact of climate change on global malaria distribution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(9), 3286–3291. 

Chen, S., & Hsieh, M. (2012). Modeling the transmission dynamics of dengue fever: Implications of temperature effects. Science of the Total Environment, 431, 385–391. 

Daszak, P., Cunningham, A., & Hyatt, A. (2001). Anthropogenic environmental change and the emergence of infectious diseases in wildlife. Acta Tropica, 78(2), 103–116. 

Epstein, P. R. (2001). Climate change and emerging infectious diseases. Microbes and Infection, 3(9), 747–754. 

Githeko, A. K., Lindsay, S. W, & Confalonieri, U. E., (2000). Climate change and vector-borne diseases: a regional analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(9), 1136-1147.

Li, C., Lu, Y., Liu, J., & Wu, X. (2018). Climate change and dengue fever transmission in China: Evidences and challenges. Science of the Total Environment, 622-623, 493–501.

Randolph, S. E. (2004). Evidence that climate change has caused ‘emergence’ of tick-borne diseases in Europe? International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 293(S37), 5-15.

Semenza, J. C., & Menne, B. (2009). Climate change and infectious diseases in Europe. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 9(6), 365-375.

Zell, R. (2004). Global climate change and the emergence/re-emergence of infectious diseases. International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 293(S37), 16-26.
Dr. Ayush Adhikari

Dr. Ayush Adhikari

Dr. Ayush Adhikari, a veterinarian from Nepal, is deeply passionate about One Health and epidemiology. He completed his bachelor’s degree in veterinary science and animal husbandry at Nepal Polytechnic Institute, affiliated with Purbanchal University. As an Ambassador for One Health Lessons, Dr. Adhikari actively promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and holistic wellness. His commitment extends beyond professional boundaries, as he strives to bridge the gap between human and animal health, all while advocating for a sustainable and interconnected approach to well-being.